Google Meet

Google Meet / Hangouts

The best purpose for using Meet is to record a lesson using screen recorder.  A link to the recording will be emailed to you shortly after you finish recording.

This is a great tool for group sharing.  It allows for video and voice, as well as for the presenter to show their screen.  It works well.

However, like Cisco Webex, I do not see a control for disabling video from participants.  I don't even see an option for disabling mics, because the user can turn it back on after being muted.

Students can meet with each other for group projects using Meet.  The teacher does not have to be involved.

Google Meet Sample

* In this video I did not see a waiting room / was not asked permission for participants to join.  However, when I used it after this video, it did ask me if I wanted to allow a participant to join, adding some security *

Old Meet Video